Support the Holiday Fund for the Nerdy!


Power Wheels, bicycles, model airplanes…maybe even a spirograph or plaster of paris kit. Some of these tools of inspiration may have been on your holiday wish list when you were a kid. Well, some of them are on ours today, though not necessarily in a “Yay! Shiny new toy!” kind of way. More like in a “Let’s Big-Brained Superhero up this dusty old toy!” kind of way. And while our Creativity, Adaptability, and Critical Thinking certainly enable us to make a lot with a little, there are some things these superpowers just can’t buy. Which is why we are asking you to help us out with your Sense of Adventure, Teamwork, and Kindness.

Please add Big-Brained Superheroes to your holiday gift list this year, and support The BBSC’s Holiday Fund for the Nerdy!

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