Party like we just won a Seattle tech grant

You’re reading the world’s second Big-Brained Superheroes Club guest blog post!  What a pleasure blogging is for me since I started volunteering for this wonderful program over a year ago.  Enough about me, and on with the blog posting!

Hey hey hey.  Sorry for the delay.  A lot’s been happening with the BBSC of late, so we’re a little slow in posting about our crazy fun party celebrating our recent Seattle Tech Matching Fund grant award.

Before we go any further, let’s give a big (brained) shout-out to the owners of World Pizza in the International District.  World Pizza Adam Cone (left, in green) and Aaron Crosleycone:


Small business owners Adam and Aaron donated pizza to our event and exercised their Kindness and Teamwork superpowers to great effect!  Their pizza was a big hit with our big brains!

Celebratory festivities included…

Setting up:


Balloon hoarding:


Roaring like a lion:


And electrifying paper plates with Maker Advocate, Tamara:


A great time was had by all.  Thank you, Big-Brained Superheroes, World Pizza, and once again, Tamara from Brown Paper Tickets!